About Me

Habbakkuk 2:2-3

2 Then the Lord answered me and said:

“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.

3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.

Welcome to kingdom wordsmiths


My name is Chantal Sylvester, your wordsmith, ghostwriter, and kingdom builder. 

Kingdom Wordsmiths was birthed from the desire to help my family, which transformed into a way to serve the Kingdom of God by spreading His Word through storytelling, both in fiction and non-fiction. The purpose behind every project I undertake is to build up the Kingdom of God one person at a time and to show forth the love of God for His creation.

I believe that there are stories out there that need to be told by people like you, whom God has chosen to partner with people like me, to accomplish His end. Every story counts, and the way to spread the message of the kingdom is to share the vision God has given you.

Over the past seven years I’ve worked in the publishing industry, I’ve learned a lot about storytelling, and been privileged to be directed by some of the best minds in the business. I’ve partnered with industry insiders to advance my expertise and offer my clients the best service possible for all their author needs.

I am an author too!

I know what authors go through, not only from working with dozens of them over the years but because I am currently on my author journey. It’s challenging, but also satisfying to take each idea and mold it into something tangible. The time and effort I put into my manuscripts, is the same effort I put into the manuscripts of all my clients. I want to give the best, and you deserve the best. 

I love what I do! 

Affecting the world, no matter how small the measure, is an experience that cannot be valued. Touching lives, and changing perspectives for the better, is a privilege I take to heart. I want to tell stories, both fiction and nonfiction, which bring people closer to who they were always meant to be. I want to help authors bring books of inspiration, direction, and understanding to the world. I want to make a difference, and I am sure you do too.

There is so much satisfaction in completing a project my clients are thrilled with and achieves their goal of authordom. I’ve helped so many over the years and I look forward to the opportunity to help you too.



“The underlying message of all the projects I undertake is to build up the Kingdom of God one person at a time.”

Why choose me?

There are a lot of ghostwriters out there, not to mention freelance writers, who’d love to write your story. Some of them have degrees and decades of experience. Some want to tell your story because they like the genre, others because it pays the bills. I write because it’s my gift and calling. Telling the stories God has placed in the hearts of His people, to share with others who need to hear that word, is the driving force behind what I do. What I write means something to me because it means something to Him. Not every ghostwriter has that. Not every ghostwriter is a kingdom ghostwriter.

I am.

I’ll handle your story with the love and attention it deserves, to tell the story that’s been burning in your heart and nagging in your brain, all through the lens of the Kingdom.

I’ve worked with USA and Irish Times Bestselling authors, and to date, my clients have had one project developed into film-at least that I know of.

I have the heart and the skills to bring your vision to life and it’s my pleasure to help you make your author dreams come true.

I love language; beautiful words tickle me and make me smile.

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