

Analysis & Recommendations

Does your manuscript keep getting rejected? Know something is ‘off’ but not sure what? Is your book not selling?

An Analysis & Recommendation provides you with the directions you need to finish your manuscript or uncover those hiccups that are impeding your book from selling as you anticipated.

We will analyze your manuscript and produce a comprehensive assessment outlining the selling points, potential markets, obstacles in the market, and recommendations for overcoming them. An A & R includes:

  1. The “Gold” in your manuscript; the unique selling point that makes your manuscript standout from the rest, and its other strengths
  2. The best positioning in the market(s) (BISACs) and retailer classifications (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.)
  3. Deal-breakers and weaknesses of your manuscript
  4. Industry-standard pitch
  5. Detailed analysis giving the overall potential of the manuscript given its strengths, weakness, and the market(s) it aligns with
  6. A “How-To” guide to correcting the market obstacles
Price Delivery
$1,000.00 – $3,500.00 2 weeks

*Included in cost of Ghostwriting packages


It takes more than an idea to create a story, and even more to create an exceptional story. It takes structure. Structure is the #1 reason traditional publishers reject manuscripts, and why readers put the book down and do not pick it up again. You know that feeling when you read a story, and something just is not right, but you cannot tell what it is? It is more than likely a structure issue. Some key elements are missing or out of place. While some, like Stephen King, can pants their way through their manuscript, others need a detailed guide on how to get their protagonist from the start to the end.

No matter where you fall on the planning spectrum, a Story Roadmap can keep track of essential information, and ensure you hit those key plot points. Valuable as a base for a series bible, it can keep plot holes at bay and the suspension of disbelief going until your reader puts down the book with satisfaction, looking forward to reading it again, or buying your next one. Whether you use your Story Map as a starting point or your revision tool, it is key to making sure you have the essential elements to build your manuscript. No more saggy middle!

Work with our team to produce your plan for writing your book. Over a series of one-on-one meetings, we will help unravel your characters, simplify the journey of your story, and pinpoint the key plot elements to produce a polished manuscript.

Your Story Roadmap includes:

  • Tropes
  • Premise
  • Subplots
  • Detailed plot
  • Setting details
  • Main character profiles
  • Secondary & Tertiary character charts
  • Chapter-by-chapter outline
  • The best market placement (BISACs) recommendations
Package Price Delivery
Novelettes $500.00 1 week
Novellas $1,750.00 2 weeks
Novels $2,500.00 3 weeks

*A novelette is between 7,500 to 17,000 words. A novella between 10,000 to 40,000 words. A novel 40,000 words and up.




Every story has a world that makes it come to life, whether the pomp and elegance of the Regency, or the rugged dry terrane of a barren intergalactic planet, no story can work without the perfect setting. We can help you craft your ideal setting with our variety of world-building packages. Whether you simply need the work taken out of naming your thirteenth century English town, or the territory divisions of your forty-fourth century water planet, we can provide the detail that makes your story a reality. Provide us with the details of your project and we will do the rest.

Categories: Economy, Crime & Legal System, Foreign Relations, Politics, Wars, Physical & Historical Features, Climate & Geography, Population, Rural Factor, Urban Factors, Ars, Entertainment & Recreation, Architecture, Calendar, Daily Life, Diet, Customs, Education, Ethics & Values, Fashion & Dress, History, Language, Manners, Meeting & Greeting, Religion & Philosophy, Social Organization, Specific Countries, Visits, Science & Technology, Medicine, and Transportation & Communication.


Package Price Delivery
Basic (5 categories) $1,500.00 3 weeks
As add-on: $1,000.00
Standard (15 categories) $4,000.00 8 weeks
As add-on: $3000.00
Premium (all categories) $7,500.00 12 weeks
As add-on: $7,000.00
Custom (per category) $350.00 Variable
Additional Categories:
Magic & Magic Systems $500.00 – $4,000.00  3 weeks
As add-on: $450.00.00 – $3,500.00

*Magic & Magic Systems vary depending on the intricacy of the requirements.


If you are an author who wants the satisfaction of completing your manuscript all on your own, but find yourself struggling with the ideas of structure, outlining, characterization, or simply need someone to hold your hand through the process, then we can help. If you need weekly check-ins, encouragement, someone to brainstorm with, to listen as you go through the struggle of birthing your book baby, we will be here for you. Personalized coaching will take you from story premise to completed manuscript all at your own pace and can start and stop at your leisure. In your 60-minute session we will cover more than just the nuances of writing, but also the emotional and mental challenges that arise as you bring your vision to life. If along the way you decide that you would prefer to partner with our team to ghostwriter your manuscript, your coaching expense is fully deductible.


Package Price (monthly) Frequency
Basic $700.00 bi-weekly
Standard $1,200.00 once per week
Premium $2,300.00 twice per week
Formatting & Coding

A manuscript is not ready for publication until formatted and coded to industry standards. There is nothing more jarring than opening a book to find odd margins, multiple fonts, and a general lack of consistency. The publishing industry has standards and if you want to be traditionally published, or ensure your self-published manuscript has that final polish, those standards must be upheld.

Package Price Delivery
Formatting Alone $100.00 – $500.00 1 week
Coding Alone $250.00 – $2,000.00 1 week
Formatting & Coding $300.00 – $2500.00 1 week

*This is included in Ghostwriting packages. Prices vary depending on the size of the project and the extent of the work needed.

Cover Designs

People often say you should not judge a book by its cover, but most people do. Having the right design for your genre, plot, and author brand is essential. Our team will provide you with a custom designed cover for audiobook, print, and eBook, plus promotional material, to ensure your book gets the attention it deserves.

Package Price Delivery
Audiobook $75.00 1 week
eBook only $250.00 1 week
eBook & Print $400.00 2 weeks
eBook, Print, Social Media Banner & Cover Reveal Teaser $600.00 3 weeks

*Included in Ghostwriting packages

Ready to make your vision a reality?

Click below to book your introductory call.


"Chantal is a keen and enthusiastic writer, adding a flair of creativity to all that she does. The projects that we worked on were completed with energy and dedication to please and deliver according to spec."

David Martin

"I have found Chantal to be extremely responsible and a pleasure to work with. She is prompt and pleasant and takes her craft very seriously. I enjoyed our time working together."

Brenda Maxfield

"Chantal is a very kind and pleasant person and on top of that her writing skills are superb. She brings the characters and scenes to life. She met every deadline despite some challenging circumstances. I look forward to continuing to work with her."

P.A, Romance Author @ P.A. Regency

"I've worked with Chantal for some time now, and I've found her to be an excellent writer. She has great skill in weaving complex story elements together seamlessly, including character, plot, and faith arcs. On top of that, she's kind and has great communication skills. I look forward to working with her into the future."

C.M. USA Today Bestselling Christian Romance Author

"Chantal seamlessly weaves themes of love, redemption, and God’s unfailing grace, into stories driven by relatable characters and true-to-life experiences. I’ve worked with her on three projects and would work with her again."

Jill Manzoni

"It's been a pleasure working with Chantal. She's extremely creative and goes all out to ensure that her clients are satisfied. She makes every effort to give you exactly what you've asked for, and I find her to be one of the best ghostwriters in the Western Romance genre that I've come across. I look forward to working with her again."

Richard Clarke, Wester Romance Publisher

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