Yes, I used to be a hamster, at least that’s what it felt like. Being on the lowest rungs of the publishing mill, and I don’t mean making paper, but punching out book after book for a few dollars. It felt as if I was constantly running at top speed trying to get clients, satisfy their needs, and still manage to pay the bills. It was a never-ending process, exhausting, and completely unfulfilling.

You see, I started ghostwriting to make extra money. I loved writing, and after five hundred positive reviews for my Twilight Fanfiction—don’t run away, I know that Twilight is a sensitive subject, but stay with me—I decided that if someone could give me five stars for that, perhaps someone would pay for my writing. That’s when I discovered Upwork in 2016 and began as a part-time ghostwriter.

Upwork opened a door for me. It allowed me to openly express my passion and earn an income from it. But there was a problem—it wasn’t enough. The money wasn’t enough. I was writing for one cent a word for people who just wanted to turn out stories to make money. They didn’t have something to say. They weren’t looking to impact lives. It was about the bottom line, and the more I wrote for them, the less I wanted to write.

Then I made a decision.

I wasn’t going to stay on the mill. I wasn’t going to write for dollars and cents. That time was over. I was going to write stories I cared about; stories that glorified God and had Him at their core. 

That’s when I told God that I wasn’t going to write anything that didn’t have Him in it. That’s when everything changed. Clients came who aligned with my desires, and soon my heart was being fulfilled.

I didn’t want to write to pay bills, I wanted to write to impact, to change lives. It was a desire of my heart that I never realized I had until I started doing it, but once I did, there was no going back. I left my full-time job in 2018 and started my own writing business. 

The story doesn’t end there. I studied and wrote, honing my skills every day, putting out 80,000 and 90,000-word novels for my clients that earned them high ratings. Some even had their books turned into films. It was great, but I wanted more. I wanted to provide the best service I could, from writing to editing and publishing. I didn’t want to just be any ghostwriter. I wanted to be one of the few, the elite, the designated ghostwriters who knew everything about the business and could give their clients the premium service they deserved.

This is where you find me today, on the journey of becoming an industry insider, and designated ghostwriter, able to provide my clients with the direction and knowledge they need to realize their God-given vision.

Join me on this blog as I chronicle my journey to new levels of excellence for the Kingdom of God, His business, and you, His authors who’ve been given the vision I’m here to help bring to life!